Experience superior results with our 100% hand-coded websites, available for as low as $150 per month.

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Our Focus

We shine in crafting custom websites tailored for small businesses across the USA. Each website is meticulously hand-coded to optimize performance, ultimately attracting more visitors to your site and boosting revenue for your business.

-Pixel Creek Web Design
Web Design

Websites Designed For 2024 & Beyond

  • Mobile First

    Most of the web is searched on mobile first, we prioritize mobile efficiency and provide an excellent mobile experience. Better google results, faster load times, and more customers.

  • Optimization and Responsiveness

    An optimized and responsive site is a well ranking site. Having a user friendly site will make the search engine gods happy and get your more clients.

  • Custom Tailored and Affordable

    All websites custom coded to meet your needs and align with your business goals. Get more customers and grow starting at $150 a month (up 5 pages).

Free Website Audit

Want to know how your website is performing? Submit your e-mail for a free website audit.