Fat Tiger Coffee - 80's coloring and vibe showcasing the overall aesthetic of the shop.

Design Influence

houseAustin Hammond Apr 30, 2024

Business promotion has changed drastically over the last 15 years. With everything moved online, a business’s web presence is crucial. Often being the first time a potential customer learns about your business, having an enticing, easy to use website will motivate them to engage with your website longer leading to more leads/clients. The design of your website reveals a lot about your professionalism, credibility and value of your small business.

Here are just a few reasons why investing in a well-designed, well- organized website is essential for small businesses looking to make a big splash.

Love at First Sight: Your website is often the first time a potential client/ customer learns about your business. Having a visually appealing and easy to use website creates a positive first impression. Leading to potential clients to spend more time learning about your business and what you have to offer.

“Who are You Wearing?”: A well designed website has a cohesive theme that is on point with your brand. Colors, fonts, style: they all speak to your brand’s personality, values and selling points. Having consistent branding across your entire website will help reinforce your brand’s identity and help set you apart from other businesses in your field.

Enhances Credibility: Having a professionally crafted website reinforces your credibility and expertise to potential clients. Your investment in a professionally designed webspace shows your clients that you are committed to quality and excellence in your craft.

Enhanced User Experience: A well- designed, functional, fast and efficient website is key to keeping potential clients engaged with your website. Clunky and slow load times are detrimental to sales. A seamless, easy to use website will enhance user experience and drive more potential clients to contact you.

Drives Conversions: An effective design is not solely about appearance, it is about drawing in new clients. By having a well laid out website, with clear call to action features and optimized page layouts you can expect to see a higher increase in customer conversion rates, more leads and more clients for your business.

Shine Bright: In the competitive world of owning a business, having a well- designed website will give you an edge over your competition. A professional website allows small businesses, no matter the size or industry, to compete with larger corporations but reaching and engaging with more customers.

In conclusion, the design of your website is a powerful tool that has the potential to make or break your online presence. For small businesses trying to stand out amongst their competitors, big or small, investing in a professionally designed website is highly recommended. You not only look more credible but it will generate more leads and clients and leave a lasting impression that keeps clients coming back or referring you.

Ready to take the next steps to success for your business? Lets chat.